Congratulations on getting Miles! We hope you will enjoy training with Miles and see great improvements. Here's how to set up your training plan:
- From the page, please select "Go to Miles"
- On the Miles page you can read more about Miles or click on "Get started!" to start your training plan right away.

- When you start the training plan setup, the first step is to click "Next" which will lead you to the Fitness Level setup:
There are 5 levels for experience and current fitness respectively and it's up to you to pick the option that's best suited for your current situation. All levels have some explaining text them as shown in the picture for level 3. When you're done, simply click "Next" in the bottom right corner. - Similarly to the previous step, there's another part of the setup that requires your input for your current level and experience regarding your run duration. For this step, think about your previous workouts you've done in the past 2 months. Simply fill this out with your best estimate.
When you're done, click "Next" - The next step is more about you and your physical condition. Please fill this out honestly as Miles will be able to give you the best plan if you do. Keep in mind that you don't need to fill out your Heart Rate information if you don't know what they are.
- Now it's time to create your plan. You must choose a distance and set a start and end date. The rest is optional but you may tailor your plan as you wish. First you may enter a desired target time. This is a new feature we're working on and it requires training data to work properly so only enter a target time if you plan to train using a training device and share your training data with Miles. You may also enter plan style and variation and how many sessions you want to do every week and the distribution over the week.
- Now it's time to connect to your device for fully automatic updates with Miles. Choose your brand and follow the instructions. Only use Strava if you don't have any of the brands supported. You need to have a Strava-account.
After selecing your brand please save and accept the permissions for your brand and Miles to work properly.
When you've connected your brand to Miles it will look something like this: - Now we're ready with your setup and now you only have to provide payment details to access your plan. Either you've already purchased a voucher and can add that and go directly to Miles. Or you will have to sign up for a subscription. The first 14 days will be a trial and no money will be drawn from your card before day 15.
- If you have a coupon code you have to enter it and press apply. Then go to payment. Remember that codes are case sensitive.The code in this example won't work, you may have received another code.
- Now enter your card details and start your subscription. You will receive 14 days of trial and your eventual coupon code will be applied to the price.
- Lastly, Miles is not an app yet. While you wait for it, you can add Miles to your home screen. But for now, press Let's go and go to your plan!
- Go for a run!