Add Racer / Participant

In this article you will learn how to add new participants and teams to your event and distance.

There can be many reasons why you as a race organizer want to manually add participants to your event. Within RaceID SuperAdmin you have three different options for how to add racers to your event.

  1. Add Racer without Push Payment

  2. Add Racer with Push Payment

  3. Excel Import of participants (in progress)

In this article, we will go through Add Racer without Push Payment.

Add Racer Manually Without Push Payment

  1. Go to the event you want to add a participant to

  2. Choose the distance you want to add participant to

  3. The start list is shown for the distance, in the top right corner there is a yellow button with the text "+ Racer"

  4. A popup window shows, enter the required fields - start with the e-mail address. If the participant already has a RaceID profile the other fields will be pre-filled with the personal info from the RaceID profile.

  5. Save.

  6. Done, the participant is added to the start list. If you want to add more info or change info double click the fields that you want to add or edit. A full article of how to update and edit participant info can be found here.