Export participant data, start lists, results, orders data, customer data, waves and much more.
In this article, we have collected everything you need to know about exports from the RaceID SuperAdmin system. Below you will find details of how to export;
Participant data (start lists)
From your event and distance, you are able to download excel files with your start lists. In the start lists, you have complete information from that actual event and/or distance including all personal fields, additional fields and custom fields that were part of the event/distance registration. This is the export to use when you want information from your registration form.
Waves table (for races with wave start)
If you are using the start type "waves" in RaceID SuperAdmin you might be interested in a detailed overview of your waves, how many of them are sold out? How many slots do you have left in each wave? All this info can be downloaded in the waves detailed export.
Results & result lists
If you have used the RaceID Timing App (SWE) for time keeping or any of the integrated time keeping solutions RaceID offers and have your results stored within the RaceID platform you are able to export them from RaceID SuperAdmin into excel format.
In the orders section, you can export your orders from any event, distance and time period. You can filter the table based on your needs and do the export from the filtered view or just a complete export of all orders data.
The racers section in RaceID SuperAdmin collects all your racers, no matter when or to which of your event they have registered to. The Racers section is your piece of the RaceID platform database with race participants. In this section, you can search, filter and export by event and distance to find the racers you want to find.
Note that this is not the place for the export of start lists or if you want details from specific races, then you do the export from the start list view.